NRG Zone

Raising up the Next Righteous Generation

@Seed of HOPE Church

(pronounced "Energy Zone")

The NRG Zone is a place where we train up the next generation of youth. A Bible study where kids can understand, practice, and apply the lessons into their daily lives, and have fun doing it.

The goal -> Help kids learn to trust God and walk with him.

We use movement, activities, and games to learn. The kids will work at home with their families and in school. Parents will get to see their kids choosing Godly ways and be able to encourage them in their growth.


  • Bible Memory through activity, repetition, and application.
  • Learning to walk with God through hearing His word, practicing together, and applying at home and in daily life.
  • Fun. Together.
  • Parental support - Reinforce the lessons and verses at home, together.